Liable for this website

SPOT Advisory GmbH
Freiligrathstr. 35
D-50935 Cologne


Geschäftsführer: Dr. Alexander Blecken

VAT-ID: DE310620724

Concept, Design, Realisation

the Inspired Ones
Haustenbecker Straße 3
D-32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg


Legal notice (Germany)


This website and its contents are subject to German copyright and copyright law. Unauthorized reproductions outside the narrow limits of the German copyright law are prohibited without the written consent of SPOT Advisory GmbH.

Liability for retrievable content

The content on this website does not claim to be complete. Rather, it is of an informative nature.

Liability for links

The external links to third party websites lead to contents of the respective providers and are not ours. References to other website are recognizable as such on our Website or marked separately. SPOT Advisory has no influence on the contents of third-party websites. A responsibility can only be established if we have knowledge of legal violations and it is technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent their use (§ 5 para. 2 TDG / MDStV). We have checked the external content for possible infringements to a reasonable extent. Infringements of copyrights, trademark rights or personal rights or violations of competition law on third-party websites were not apparent and are just as unknown to us as the fulfillment of criminal offenses.